Saturday 21 January 2023

EU law bill folly

Firstly there are no EU laws left. Since we left the EU all our laws are just that - ours. EU laws were incorporated into our statute. Why? Because either they are useful or would cause too much damage if removed.

Secondly if, as this bill requires, they are removed overnight it will cause chaos within business and therefore more massive economic damage.

So why do this? Because they have the letters E U linked with them? Possibly but more than likely only slightly. 

Scorched earth policy knowing they will likely lose the next election. Again possible but only slightly likely.

Doing it in the full knowledge the Lords will alter it substantially. In this case it keeps the eternal excuse going that if so and so had only done or allowed this Brexit would have been a success. A lot more probable than the other reasons.

The question is if they remove them what do they replace them with? It's unlikely they would remove these laws, causing all the ensuing damage, just to replace them with something similar. 

So you have to reason they want a clean slate to remove the rights we enjoy but inconvenience them. 

All the roads from Brexit far from leading to 'sunlit uplands' seem to lead downhill for the majority of us.

Tuesday 17 January 2023

The tale of "under"....

Doctors, Nurses, Ambulance crews, Civil servants and transport workers ETC taking strike action.

University lecturers and now thousands of teachers across England and Wales.


For 13 years. It is no wonder the final straw has broken the camel's back in so many public services.


Also applies to their workplaces. Ten years of austerity and now even more austerity removing resources and funding. Expecting the workforce to hold everything together with lack of staff and old equipment.

The unnecessarily hard Brexit negotiated by this government leading to staff shortages.

This crisis is the child of this government's policies. A self inflicted crisis they have created.


Monday 9 January 2023

Brexit: Hearts and minds changing.

Polls are more and more showing hearts and minds changing regarding Brexit. But why?

Because during the referendum the Brexit proponents "over promised". We were told we were heading to "sunny uplands". There would be no downsides, only upsides. We held all the cards. There would be £350m a week for the NHS etc.etc,etc.

In reality there have been many factors that have made life worse - Covid and Ukraine to name but two. But Brexit played its part by weakening our economy and making the other factors worse comparable to other countries.

While not everyone will have appreciated the intertwining factors they will have noticed everything in decline both directly in their lives and wider. The cost of energy and food. Mortgages and rents rising. Inability to access a doctor. The NHS in crisis. Transport strikes and rising costs to use etc,etc,etc.

People then compare this to the afor mentioned Brexit "promises" and just see everything getting worse not better. Hence the change in minds and hearts. This will only increase as the decline drags on.

The only solution is a closer relationship with the EU. This will take a lot of time but is the inevitable direction of travel.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

What Hamas did is both unacceptable and against international law.  Israel has the right to fight back but not to also go beyond internation...