Friday 7 July 2023

Mental health

Mental health is an ongoing battle. Much like physical health you have to keep on top of it. I have been struggling lately.

Autism has always been part of my life. I've always known I was different but not why until 14 years ago I was diagnosed.

Trying to fit into a world that I struggled to understand has led to periods of depression and poor mental health throughout my life. I have had a breakdown, been through counselling and medication.

I changed my work shifts last year which has helped enormously. I was on sertraline for depression. I weaned myself off before Christmas but two weeks ago recognised I needed to go back on it. 

I'm posting this so that other people, no matter what the reason for their mental health struggles, can see they aren't alone.

There are no wrong answers. Do whatever helps. Talk to people especially your family, meditate, yoga, running, exercise,seek counselling, get medication but don't suffer in silence. You are not alone.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

What Hamas did is both unacceptable and against international law.  Israel has the right to fight back but not to also go beyond internation...