Saturday 28 October 2023

Two wrongs don't make a right.

What Hamas did is both unacceptable and against international law. 

Israel has the right to fight back but not to also go beyond international law.

There can be no victory for either side, only civilians suffering both Israeli and Palestinian.

It's not right to punish a whole population for a terrorist group within. While the current Hamas organisation may be defeated it will only create a new generation of terrorists.

In the past the UK suffered many IRA terrorist atrocities because of Northern Ireland. Would the world have allowed the UK to bomb Northern Ireland?

We must remember that Jewish people are not all the Israeli government nor are the Palestinian people all Hamas. It's not right to blame either or attack them for the actions of a government or terrorist organisation.

We have come so far as a human race yet we haven't left the starting line in many regards.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

What Hamas did is both unacceptable and against international law.  Israel has the right to fight back but not to also go beyond internation...