Friday 24 February 2023

The Tories are the problem.

Sunak has a deal. The real question is whether he is prepared to take on the extremists in his party or rely on Labour votes? Or will he fold entirely and leave things as they stand?

Sunak is a weak leader in charge of a split party. 

The dance around the NIP this week illustrates why the Tories need to be removed from power if this country is ever to repair some of the economic and social damage they have caused.

This deal was needed to kill the NIP bill now in the Lords. This would have been a key step to build trust with the EU. In turn that could have led to.a closer relationship benefiting the economy.

The factions and individuals within the Tories may have dealt a fatal blow to their fading electoral hopes. The economy will now carry on scraping along ar the bottom. More importantly their blind ideological stubbornness and, in some cases, individual entitlement have solidified the damage in this country.

At every turn since and including the referendum individuals within, factions within and the Tory party itself have put it/themselves before the interests of the country.

Friday 17 February 2023


 Sat in the window seat of a coffee house this morning. The perfect position to watch the world go by.

Yet my attention is drawn to the bulb just above my head.

The glowing pleasingly shaped filament. 

The warm colours in the glass. Warm like a real fire.

The reflection of the world around me. The window bar where I am sitting and my cappuccino at the bottom of the bulb. 

The street outside with people moving to and fro on the left of the bulb.

All the while my world sits next to me in conversation, Mrs J and my Son, while my autistic mind wonders…..

Friday 3 February 2023

Running and ageing.

A personal outlook on this as it is a very individual thing.

I look on it as you can either rage against the dying of the light or accept it and make the most of it.

I'm nearly 55. I could take the position that I am still 25 and try to run and train like I am. Or, I can accept I am nearly 55 and train and run to do the best for my age and circumstances.

I choose the latter.

Ageing is something we can't change. We will all get older. But we can alter our running and training to allow us to continue and still enjoy running.

I find a combination of running, yoga and pilates works for me. My race personal bests are behind me. But, I do get some PB's for my age and occasionally a PB on my garmin for shorter distances.

I enjoy running these days for the sake of running. I appreciate the fact I can run when many, for various reasons, cannot. I enjoy simply participating in a race rather than the competition.

My next race, first since the pandemic, is the Chester Metric Marathon in October. Looking forward to this for a number of reasons. Firstly just to enjoy participating and appreciating the countryside as it passes by.

Secondly to meet up with people, from my running website/club, who I haven't met.

I record my runs on which also has a UK athletics affiliated running club - FERC. As anyone, anywhere can use it there are members far and wide "Fetchies". It will be good to finally have a chance to meet some of them in real life.

There is also the bonus of a PB. I haven't run 26k specifically so will be guaranteed a PB 😀 There's more than one way to still get a PB as you get older 🤣🤣

So to sum up, for me as I get older it is about just appreciating and enjoying the journey 🏃

Two wrongs don't make a right.

What Hamas did is both unacceptable and against international law.  Israel has the right to fight back but not to also go beyond internation...